As a brand, you can now streamline your supplier archival process with enhanced flexibility and control.

  • Direct Archival: Archive suppliers directly from the Suppliers list page, excel import, and API. This action also automatically archives all associated facilities (created by either the brand or the supplier) within the brand's context.
  • Enhanced Management of Archived Suppliers:
    • Visibility: Archived suppliers remain visible within existing associations.
    • Editability: Edit archived supplier information directly across the UI, Excel, and API without the need to unarchive them first.
    • Limited Search Results: Archived suppliers will no longer appear in search results.
    • Unique Identifier (UID) Restriction: The UID of an archived supplier cannot be reused.
    • Data Accessibility: Navigate seamlessly to linked styles, materials, and facilities from the supplier details page, even for archived suppliers.
    • Master Data Associations: Maintain associations between archived suppliers and other master data, offering greater operational flexibility.

These enhancements streamline the archival process by centralizing and automating supplier and facility management while providing you with greater control and flexibility over archived data.

Documented in: You must log in to the platform to access the below links.

Brand Guide