As a brand, you can now ensure that all necessary declarations and evidence are collected for transactions involving restricted or high-risk fibers, such as cotton. This feature helps brands meet regulatory compliance requirements, reduce sourcing risks, and support sustainability initiatives.

Features and Enhancements

  • Configuring Fiber Declaration: Enable fiber declaration for inbound transactions using the Fiber Declaration tab.
  • Declaration & Evidence Collected: Demands your suppliers to provide the country of origin for each fiber type when they record inbound transactions for materials containing cotton or reclaimed materials. Additionally, the system will enforce them to submit a Declaration Letter against the transaction before it can be processed.


  • Enhanced Compliance: Ensures regulatory compliance by mandating all necessary evidence and declarations for materials like cotton and reclaimed fibers.
  • Risk Mitigation: Minimizes risk of sourcing restricted fibers through strict documentation, protecting your brand reputation.


 Documented in
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Brand Guide

Setting Up Fiber Declarations