Export Assessment Report

This feature will give brand user to get a report to analyze the status of Assessments launched to Suppliers. This report will give the brand an overview of the current status of the assessment launched to the suppliers. Gives details about Launch Year, Launched Date, Due Date, Questionnaire Name, Facility Name, Completion status, supplier name, Assessment status, and Approval status. 

Previously, the assessment status was tracked and report was extracted by Business services team. 

With this feature, the brand will have an option to export reports in Assessment Sent page for launched assessments. 




With this feature, the brand will have an option to export reports in Assessment Received Page. 

Brands and Suppliers Subscription/Editions with All Modules

Separate subscriptions for "T-trace" & "Transactions" were maintained before this release. With this enhancement, a common subscription with both T-trace & Transactions has been enabled. With this, brands can do both T-trace and transactions program based on their needs in the same subscription. 


Search - Improvements to the Search Feature Across the Platform


Until recently, results for a search would appear only if the input search string was an exact match. For 3 letter input string in the search was showing "no data found"

The bug has been fixed, so now if the user enters a minimum 3 letter input string to search and if the entered characters are within the string, then search should return relevant results. Search will show the most relevant results at the top of the list.