TrusTrace’s Certified Material Compliance (CMC) solution helps brand reconcile their purchase orders with the certification information coming from the supply chain. This guarantees material integrity which means that the material ordered is the actual material contained in the product.


CMC is an AI-OCR powered one stop solution for brands to make compliance or sustainability claims based on usage of certified materials in their products. Brands can link certified material data to thousands of Purchase Orders to manage traceability in one place, document % of certified material content and be audit ready. 

This is done in the following way: 

  • AI powered Digitization: Enable suppliers to enter large amount of shipment data within seconds and with increased accuracy by extracting shipment, buyer, consignee, LOT, material information etc. from certificates.
  • Digital Chain of Custody: An assurance workflow system to track material movement across multiple tiers of suppliers. Enable brands and suppliers to reduce operational costs with a completely paper-less approach to establishing chain of custody. 

PO Reconciliation: Help the brands to reconcile shipment of finished goods with POs. Associate supplier shipment information to a specific PO, thereby enabling brand to track fulfillment and compliance for every single PO.

Ability to Record Outbound Transactions Using the Transaction Certificate by Tier 1 and Tier 2 Suppliers

Previously, the transaction certificate was manually uploaded after recording a transaction using T-EMS but the upload of TC was not intelligent as it did not involve any extraction of data. With this new feature, a supplier can create Outbound Transaction directly using Fabric TC or Finished Product TC and link the data with respective PO. It is done in the following way: 

  • Data from TC is extracted on data 
  • Validations are run on extracted from TC and data available on the platform
  • Respective PO gets reconciled.

Since the PO is reconciled using source of truth i.e., TC data, the data received is validated by platform providing assurance of accurate data into the platform. 



Purchase Order Module

Purchase Order modules has been revamped to include the below:

  • Support PO for both style & materials now using Product UID
  • Support PO for multiple UOM's based on style or material
  • Upgraded the PO mapping status with additional statuses so that the status of PO line item is captured accurately.
  • Support Data Access Control (DAC) & entity customization
  • Changes are updated both in Excel Import & API.

The updates will help the brand to bring their PO data seamlessly into the platform so that the transactions recorded by the supplier will be reconciled against a PO.   

Enabling Suppliers to Identify Unfulfilled (Partially Fulfilled/Not Fulfilled) PO's

With this feature, supplier will have a list of POs for them to fulfill. TT platform will provide this data to the supplier, instead of them depending on brand for this information offline. This feature is enabled in the following way: 

  • While importing PO in TT Platform, brand user will have to mark a PO as CMC_PS for notification to go to supplier for fulfilling the PO
  • Supplier will get a consolidated pending task of all Unfulfilled POs
  • Supplier will be able to view the list of Unfulfilled PO sorted by which PO has the earliest delivery date
  • Supplier will then have to record Transactions to fulfill the PO 

This feature helps the brand in letting the supplier's know which POs to be actioned while using the platform and does not require follow ups via offline methods. 


This feature is not enabled by default. Brands will have to be trained to ensure they use the right Tags "CMC_PS" in PO via import or API integration for this feature to work on Supplier Side. Please write to [email protected] for more information.


Transaction Validations

TrusTrace platform has a predefined set of validations that are automatically performed to verify the information about the products, raw materials, suppliers, facilities, quantities, and so on. 

Brands who are using lot-level traceability solutions can configure and choose from various validations as they see fit. Brands can configure the Opt out, approval, Block, or/and Ignore as the possible outcomes for a validation failure. So, if there are any validation errors while Supplier is entering information, then the system will behave in either of the following ways based on how you configured: 

  • Approval – Supplier’s transaction request will be sent for brand’s approval. Brand can either approve or reject
  • Block - Transaction will be blocked, and Supplier will have to address the issue to move forward 
  • Ignore - Brands will be notified about the issue, but will allow the supplier to proceed 
  • Opt Out – Skip the validation and allow the supplier to proceed.

These validations help in verifying the data entered by the suppliers with expected Style / PO Data on Platform and make proprietary chain of custody more robust and guarantee the material integrity preservation.  

This feature is not enabled by default. Brands will have to use TrusTrace Admin settings to get the required configurations enabled for each of the validations. Please write to [email protected] for more information.

Field name updates in Transactions

Field names have been updated to bring consistency across the platform. 

  • Field Labels have been updated across Manual UI/ Excel / TC for Transactions.
  • T1 Manual Inbound using UI/ Excel is removed and Inbound only using TC will be supported.
  • Other units of measure such as meter, yards, pieces, pairs, sets etc. have been enabled apart from Kg from Quantity data.