This release introduces the below enhancements to the existing feature that allows brands to view and manage contact information for their suppliers and the introduction of API Gateway on the platform to improve the efficiency and flexibility of managing APIs.

Enhancements to the Supplier Contact View

The feature enhances data privacy and allows brands to manage their supplier contact information in a way that is both relevant and private. It introduces two distinct sections for contact information: Point of Contact (Brand Managed) and Point of Contact (Supplier Managed). This prevents unauthorized access or modifications by suppliers or other brands.

Under the Point of Contact (Brand Managed) section, you (as the brand) can view and edit supplier contact details only in the user interface (UI), keeping this information private and visible only to you. In contrast, the Point of Contact (Supplier Managed) section is managed by your suppliers and remains non-editable for brand(s) to ensure data integrity and visible to all relevant brand(s) associated with the supplier.


API Gateway Implementation

Platform will be implemented with an API Gateway to streamline API traffic management. This will help to improve security by protecting API from unauthorized access, improve performance by managing load and ensure reliability by providing single point of failure.


Why Gateway:

To ensure fair usage policy across brands.

  • Post this implementation, your API requests will be throttled to 10 requests per second. Exceeding this limit, will result in HTTP error 429.
  • Brands will have to handle the HTTP error 429 and ensure the requests are resent to TrusTrace for processing.

End point URL: 

Brand only needs to change the end point URL and there are no changes to any of the underlying API request/response structures.

Brands that have gone live with their integration, can continue to use “Current endpoint URL” until 1st March 2024, post which this endpoint will not be available. They will have to switch to the “New endpoint URL” before 1st March 2024.

Brands that are “planning to start integration” or “developing/testing integration” are recommended to use “New endpoint URL” only.

Swagger URL: