Improved Trace Report to comply with AGEC Law


Trace Report is now enhanced to enable brands selling products in the French market to comply with parts of the AGEC law coming into force in 2023. The improved Trace Report now contains: 

  • All materials irrespective of whether they are marked “Traceable” or “Not Traceable” in the platform
  • Facility location, even if the supplier has chosen the option "I do not wish to provide".



Bulk option to send Assessment to all Suppliers 


Platform is now enhanced to allow brands to easily launch assessments to multiple suppliers. Brand now has two options to select – “Select All” or “Select All Invited Supplier”.





Configurable Approval Workflow for Assessments


Platform is now enhanced for Brands to configure an additional step while approving the assessment. This will give the flexibility for the Brands to categorize the approval process of various assessments, such that it gives visibility to any follow ups required on those assessments.


Brands can configure and enforce additional structured and reportable options (such as “Reason for Approval” with predefined values) which will pop up as a single select option whenever a brand user approves an assessment submitted by the supplier. 






Tagging Approver in Approval Workflow for Assessments


Platform is now enhanced to tag and display (in UI) the name of the approver and the date and time of the approval of an assessment. 


Improvements to Assessment Report


Platform is now enhanced to include the configurable “Reason for approval”, “Date, Time of approval”, “User approved” in the report.


Notification of pending comments within Assessments


Platform is now enhanced to notify a brand or a supplier, if there are any unresolved comments inside assessments. This will help them to respond back, without a need for follow up.


Supplier Profile completeness score to include Scope Certificate for their Facilities


Platform is now enabled to link a scope certificate uploaded on the platform mandatorily to any of the Supplier’s facility. This will ensure that the scope certificate availability is also accounted for while calculating the supplier profile completeness score. 




Sub Supplier access to Brand’s opting for Data Access Control feature


Brands that use DAC feature, can have their users privilege limited to accessing certain set of data (Supplier, Facility, Style, Material, PO). Platform is now enhanced, such that the brand users with such “limited privilege” can now access the “Sub Supplier” tab, where in they will be able to see the sub suppliers onboarded by the direct suppliers (who are visible to those brand users). They can also export the “Export Supplier linking” and “Export sub suppliers” data from the platform.


Managing Supplier Information


Data import template of Supplier had a field to collect email (called communicationEmail) in addition to Supplier’s email (under supplierUser field). Platform is now enhanced by removing the communicationEmail, to ensure all communications goes only to the supplier’s email given under supplierUser field. This will ensure better user experience for the suppliers, since there were occasional issues faced by the suppliers, where the intended receiver of an invite to TrusTrace, could not use the received link to sign up.