Entity | API method | Error message | Error code |
Facility | GET/fetch facility information | Facility UID does not exist | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | FacilityUid Unique Id is Mandatory | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | 'facilityName' cannot be empty | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | 'supplierUid' cannot be empty | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | city' cannot be blank | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | state' cannot be blank | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | country' cannot be blank | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | address' cannot be empty | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | External Id type cannot be empty | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | externalIdValue + "is invalid. Enter the valid value without any spaces in between" | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | externalIdtype+ "is invalid. Enter a valid External ID type from the list provided in the master-data-reference sheet" | 400 |
Facility | POST/create a new facility | value + " '" + fieldName + "' doesn't exist in our master data" | 400 |
Facility | PUT/fetch a facility information | Facility UID does not exist | 404 |
Material | GET / fetch a material information | Material UID does not exist | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | 'materialUid' cannot be blank | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | 'materialUid' already exists | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | internalMaterialName' cannot be empty | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | internalMaterialNumber' cannot be empty | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | isTraceable' should be 'yes' or 'no' | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | xyzunit 'unit' doesn't exist in our master data | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | certificate + " 'certificate' doesn't exist" | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | productTypeName + " 'Material Type' doesn't exist" | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | Entered supplierUid "supplierUid" does not match with the existing list of suppliers | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | Entered facilityUid "facilityUid" does not correspond to the associated supplier Uid | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | facilityUid "facilityUid" cannot be added without the corresponding supplier Uid. | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | The Entered year should be between 1970 and 2100 | 400 |
Material | POST/create a new material | Facility UID does not match with the existing list of facility, please enter the correct facility UID | 400 |
Material | PUT/update an existing material | Material UID does not exist. | 404 |
Material | PUT/update an existing material | Entered supplierUid "supplierUid" does not match with the existing list of suppliers | 400 |
Material | PUT/update an existing material | Entered facilityUid "facilityUid" does not correspond to the associated supplier Uid | 400 |
Material | PUT/update an existing material | facilityUid "facilityUid" cannot be added without the corresponding supplier Uid. | 400 |
Material | PUT/update an existing material | Update the facilityUid when updating the supplierUid | 400 |
Material | PUT/update an existing material | The Entered year should be between 1970 and 2100 | 400 |
Purchase Order | GET/fetch a PO information | PO Number does not exist | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | poNumber' field is mandatory, please retry after entering it | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | supplierUid' field is mandatory, please retry after entering it | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | The entered date format is not supported, please use [yyyy-mm-dd] format. | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | At least one of the three fields (poLineItemNumber, poNumber, and productUid) must be provided to create a linkedPo | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | deliveryDate' field is mandatory, please retry after entering it | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | The PO should have at least 1 line item filled, please retry after entering it | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | productUid' field is mandatory, please retry after entering it | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | Invalid 'styleOrMaterial' value, please enter 'style/material' and retry | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | The quantity is mandatory, please enter either any one of these and retry | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | PO number already exists in the system, please retry with new number | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | Facility UID does not match with the existing list of facility, please enter the correct facility UID | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | The Product UID is unique across PO level and cannot be same.Please retry with another Product UID. | 400 |
Purchase Order | POST/create a new purchase order information | To create a CANCELLED PO, all the poLineItemStatus for the particular poNumber should be in CANCELLED status | 400 |
Purchase Order | PUT/update an existing PO | PO Number does not exist | 404 |
Purchase Order | PUT/update an existing PO | Cancelled POs can not be updated | 404 |
Purchase Order | PUT/update an existing PO | Invalid 'poStatus' value, please enter Valid 'poStatus' and retry | 404 |
Purchase Order | PUT/update an existing PO | To cancel an ACTIVE PO, cancellation needs to be done for all the PO line items | 404 |
Style | GET/fetch a style information | " Style UID does not exist " | 400 |
Style | GET/fetch a style information | " Style UID does not exist " | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | 'styleUid' cannot be blank | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | 'styleName' cannot be blank | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | 'styleNumber' cannot be blank | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | Entered supplierUid "supplierUid" does not match with the existing list of suppliers | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | Entered facilityUid "facilityUid" does not correspond to the associated supplier Uid | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | facilityUid "facilityUid" cannot be added without the corresponding supplier Uid. | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | The Entered year should be between 1970 and 2100 | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | "The 'styleUid' already exists, please retry with unique ID" | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | materialComposition' exceeds 100% | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | seasonName + " 'season' doesn't exist" | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | productType + " 'productType' doesn't exist" | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | xyz + " 'sustainabilityLabel' doesn't exist" | 400 |
Style | POST/create a new style | Facility UID does not match with the existing list of facility, please enter the correct facility UID | 400 |
Style | PUT/update an existing style | " Style UID does not exist " | 404 |
Style | PUT/update an existing style | "invalid area of usage" | 400 |
Style | PUT/update an existing style | Entered supplierUid "supplierUid" does not match with the existing list of suppliers | 400 |
Style | PUT/update an existing style | Entered facilityUid "facilityUid" does not correspond to the associated supplier Uid | 400 |
Style | PUT/update an existing style | facilityUid "facilityUid" cannot be added without the corresponding supplier Uid. | 400 |
Style | PUT/update an existing style | Update the facilityUid when updating the supplierUid | 400 |
Style | PUT/update an existing style | The Entered year should be between 1970 and 2100 | 400 |
Supplier | GET/fetch a supplier information | " Supplier UID does not exist " | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | Supplier Unique Id is Mandatory | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | supplierCompanyName' cannot be empty | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | supplierUser' is not a valid email | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | onboard' should be INVITED or UNINVITED | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | address' cannot be empty | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | city' cannot be blank | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | state' cannot be blank | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | country' cannot be blank | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | supplierUser' cannot be empty for INVITED Type | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | supplierUser' already exists for this brand | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | supplierUid -> "Unique Id already exists" | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | Tier does not exist, render as per the list in master data reference | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | 'nominatedSupplier' field is not correct. | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | A maximum of 3 traceability tags can be associated to a supplier | 400 |
Supplier | POST/create a new supplier | supplierStatus should be either Active or Archived | 400 |
Supplier | PUT/update an existing supplier | communicationEmail cannot be empty | 400 |
Supplier | PUT/update an existing supplier | " Supplier UID does not exist " | 404 |
Supplier | PUT/update an existing supplier | A maximum of 3 traceability tags can be associated to a supplier | 400 |
Supplier | PUT/Invite or update the details of an un-invited supplier | "supplierUser" cannot be empty for INVITED type. | 400 |
Supplier | PUT/Invite or update the details of an un-invited supplier | " Supplier UID does not exist " | 404 |