Change log from V3.2.3 to V3.2.4
Entity | Field name / API | V3.2.3 | V3.2.4 | Remarks |
Supplier | contactName | Not Available | Available & | The name of the supplier’s designated point of contact, as maintained by each brand |
Supplier | phoneNumber | Not Available | Available & | The phone number of the supplier’s designated point of contact, as maintained by each brand |
Supplier | supplierStatus | Not Available | Available & | Indicates whether the supplier is Active or Archived. |
Supplier | supplierUser | Available | Available | This field was available only in supplier create API. It is not available in all the supplier APIs |
Supplier | supplierCompanyName | Available | Available | This field was available only in supplier create API. It is not available in all the supplier APIs |
Supplier | address | Available | Available | This field was available only in supplier create API. It is not available in all the supplier APIs |
Supplier | onBoard | Available | Available | This field was available only in supplier invite API. It is not available in the supplier update API |
Supplier | {supplier-uid}/invite | Available | Not - Available | This API is deprected & removed from document. It functionality is bought into the supplier update API. |
Facility | facilityStatus | Not Available | Available & | Indicates whether the facility is Active or Archived. |
Purchase Order | deliveryDate | Mandatory | Available & | The brand's expected delivery date from the supplier for a raised purchase order, also applicable at the line-item level. |
Purchase Order | issuedDate | Not Available | Available & | The Issued Date indicates when the purchase order is raised to the supplier. |
Purchase Order | poLineItems.poLineItemNumber | Not Available | Available & | This field serves as a unique identifier for a line item. |
Purchase Order | poLineItems.deliveryDate | Not Available | Available & | The brand's expected delivery date from the supplier for a raised purchase order, also applicable at the line-item level. |
Purchase Order | poLineItems.linkedPos | Not Available | Available & | Linked POs connect direct and nominated supplier purchase orders in a Cut, Make, Trim scenario for PO tracing. The link can be established using any or all of the following fields: poNumber, productUid, or poLineItemNumber. |
Change log from V3.2.2 to V3.2.3
Entity | Field name | V3.2.2 | V3.2.3 | Remarks |
Supplier | nominatedSupplier | Not Available | Available & | This field is used to tag a supplier as "Nominated supplier" or not. |
Change log from V3.2.1 to V3.2.2
Entity | Field name | V3.2.1 | V3.2.2 | Remarks |
Style | productType | Mandatory | Available & | "Product Type" is Mandatory earlier, now it is Non-Mandatory |
Style | year | Mandatory | Available & | "Year" is Mandatory earlier,now it is Non-Mandatory. For year the value between 1970 to 2100. |
Style | season | Mandatory | Available & | "Season" is Mandatory earlier, now it is Non-Mandatory |
Style | supplierUid | Mandatory | Available & | "supplierUid" is Mandatory earlier,now it is Non-Mandatory |
Material | materialType | Mandatory | Available & | "Material Type" is Mandatory earlier,now it is Non-Mandatory |
Material | year | Mandatory | Available & | "Year" is Mandatory earlier,now it is Non-Mandatory. For year the value between 1970 to 2100. |
Material | season | Mandatory | Available & | "Season" is Mandatory earlier,now it is Non-Mandatory |
Material | supplierUid | Mandatory | Available & | "supplierUid" is Mandatory earlier,now it is Non-Mandatory |
Facility | externalIdType | Not Available | Available & | "externalIdType" is new field and is Non-Mandatory |
Facility | externalIdValue | Not Available | Available & | "externalIdValue" is new field and is Non-Mandatory |
Facility | creationSourceAndStatus | Not Available | Not Available | This field is not part of facility schema. But it is supported only in GET & get-all-facilities apis for brand to get insight on whether this is a supplier created or brand created facilitiy |
Change log from V3.2.0 to V3.2.1
Entity | Field name | V3.2.0 | V3.2.1 | Remarks |
Purchase Order | poStatus | Not Available | Available & | poStatus can be used to reflect the status of the PO. Accepted values are "Active" and "Cancelled". This is a non mandatory field with "Active" status as its default value. |
Purchase Order | poLineItemStatus | Not Available | Available & | poLineItemStatus can be used to reflect the status of an individual line item. Accepted values are "Active" and "Cancelled". This is a non mandatory field with "Active" status as its default value. |
Change log from V3.1.0 to V3.2.0
Entity | Change | V3.1.0 | V3.2.0 | Remarks |
NA | API Rate limit | Not Available | Available | The platform is implemented with an API Gateway to streamline API traffic management. Your API requests will be throttled to 10 requests per second. Exceeding this limit, will result in HTTP error 429. |
Change log from V3.0.1 to V3.1.0
Entity | Change | V3.0.1 | V3.1.0 | Remarks |
Supplier | /suppliers/{supplier-uid}/invite API is introduced | Not Available | Available | This API can be used to invite or update the details of un-invited suppliers. |
Change log from V3.0.0 to V3.0.1
Entity | Field name | V3.0.0 | V3.0.1 | Remarks |
Supplier | traceabilityTags | Not Available | Available & Non-Mandatory | This is free text. Only 3 Traceability tags can be associated with a Supplier |
Change log from V2.1.0 to V3.0.0
Entity | Field name | V2.1.0 | V3.0.0 | Remarks |
Style | styleNumber | Non-Mandatory | Mandatory | 1) As part of V3.0.0 API release, there will be a one time data migration activity for already created styles that don't have Style Number. For such cases, "Style UID" value of that style will be copied to "Style Number" field 2) If brands continue to use V2.1.0 version and if "Style Number" is not passed, system will automatically use "Style UID" value for "Style Number" |
Supplier | supplierType | Mandatory | Non-Mandatory Field renamed to "Onboard" | If the value is not given for this field, system will auto assign the default value as INVITED |
Material | Renaming of "Article" fields to "Material" | materialType materialUid internalMaterialName internalMaterialNumber supplierMaterialName supplierMaterialNumber | No change in behavior, other than "name" change | |
Material | traceable | Mandatory | Non-Mandatory Field renamed to "istraceable" | If the value is not give for this field the system will auto assign the default value as No |
Supplier | communicationEmail | Not Available | Not Available | communicationEmail field is removed in both versions of the API V2.1- Supplier's contact email in their "Company Profile" will be sent back as communicationEmail field in the GET response V3.0- Supplier's contact email in their "Company Profile" will be sent back as email field in the GET response |
All Entities | fieldId | Avaialble | Not Available | This field fieldid is used to refer custom fields, which will now be referred only using cfUniqueCode |