Module: Platform & API 

Webhook Events


We are introducing webhook events as a new capability in our platform so that the data collected, as a part of the traceability journey, could be shared with the brand's webhook URL. Brands can simply subscribe to these events and start listening to them with ease. 

Webhook events can help brands in achieving end-to-end integration in the form of the ability to build custom events and no manual triggering of events would be required via UI. 

With this update, the following are the readily available events: 

  • Traceability request will be launched as soon as a Purchase Order is created successfully. 

  • Brands will be notified when the Scope Certificate of a supplier is about to expire 

  • Brands will be notified when an audit is about to expire for a supplier facility.


    Please Note: Webhook events are not enabled by default. Please write to [email protected] to enable it for your account.